

By Anna Medaris Miller



南加州大学凯克医学院(University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine)创伤麻醉学主任乔舒亚·托宾(Joshua Tobin)博士说:“很多时候,人们担心自己患了你在网上听说过的最罕见的癌症。”“几乎从来没有过这种情况”。但是很多时候,患者却真可能会忽视一些看似良性的症状,而这些症状可能预示着一些严重的问题。


1. 意想不到的消化不良


2. 你眼睛里的某种东西挥之不去

虽然很难忽略条件像粉红色的眼睛——它的名字说明了一切——但最严重的和时间敏感的眼部问题也可能是一个容易发生视网膜脱离,或者当你的眼睛的感光层拉或流泪,这些都可能致盲前兆。据美国国家眼科研究所(National Eye Institute)称,以下这些症状——越来越多的斑点、闪光或“窗帘”遮住你的视野——是无痛的,外人和镜子都看不见。NEI建议,如果你注意到这些症状变化,立即去看眼科护理专家。



4. 腹部肿胀越来越大,原因不明


5. 痛苦的时间


6. 走路或爬楼梯导致腿部抽筋

任何运动员都会告诉你,腿抽筋只是比赛的名称。但是如果疼痛与行走,松了一口气,休息和持续跨步或爬楼梯时,不断的疼痛——那些抽筋可能是由外周动脉疾病引起的;或由于动脉阻塞导致血液无法流向腿部的问题。这是Bove博士的提示,他是美国心脏病学会患者护理委员会成员。据美国心脏病学会(American Heart Association)的解释,如果这种情况没有得到诊断并治疗,抽筋可能变得更疼,甚至会导致你失去一条腿。“当症状持续或复发时,”Bove这样描述,“医学检查将有助于找到问题原因。”

7. 皮肤新变化


8. 超干性皮肤


9. 乳房变化


10. 有害无益的咳嗽

咳嗽很烦人但无害,对吧?不完全是。布朗说,正在服用一种叫做血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACE inhibitors)的降压药的患者可能会出现“一种持续的、没有效果的咳嗽,让他们晚上无法入睡”,但很多人“会一直咳嗽下去”。布朗说,这只是药物副作用被病人忽视的一个例子,而且在很多情况下,这种情况本可以通过改变生活方式来预防。托宾也持类似的观点:“饮食和锻炼是健康快乐生活的关键。”

Hypochondria – or reality?

Is that bump an ingrown hair – or a tumor? Is your stomach pain an exercise cramp – or appendicitis? And about that headache: dehydration – or an aneurism? “A lot of times, people are worried they have the rarest cancer you’ve ever heard of on the Internet,” says Dr. Joshua Tobin, director of trauma anesthesiology at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine. “Almost never is that the case.” Phew. But too often, patients brush off seemingly benign symptoms that could signal something serious. If any of these 10 issues strike you, don’t wait until it’s too late to seek medical attention:

1. Unexpected indigestion

If Taco Tuesday never bothered you before, stop blaming your “heartburn” on $5 margaritas and queso dip and consider calling 911 – particularly if you have other risk factors for heart attacks, such as being over 65 years old and having high cholesterol, or if the pain feels left-sided, travels down your left arm or leaves you sweating profusely, says Dr. Ernest Brown, a family medicine physician in the District of Columbia. Adds Dr. Fred Bove, past president of the American College of Cardiology: “Indigestion is … usually related to a digestive problem, [but] occasionally, it is a cardiac symptom that is a precursor of a heart attack.”

2. Something in your eye that won’t go away

While it’s hard to ignore a condition like pink eye – its name says it all – one of the most serious and time-sensitive eye conditions is also one of the easier to brush off. Retinal detachment, or when the light-sensitive layer of your eye pulls away or tears, can blind you. But the symptoms – an increasing number of specks, flashes of light or a “curtain” covering your field of vision, according to the National Eye Institute – are painless and invisible to an outsider and the mirror. If you notice any of these changes, see an eye care professional immediately, NEI advises.

3. Surprise weight loss

At first, sliding more easily into your skinny jeans may come as a pleasant surprise. But losing 10 pounds or more for no clear reason – you haven’t, for instance, taken your fitness regimen up a notch, started a newly diligent diet, tamed your cravings by sleeping more or even lost your appetite due to stress – can be the first sign of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Cancers of the pancreas, esophagus, stomach and lung are most often linked to unexplained weight loss.

4. Increasing – and unexplained – belly bloat

Can’t quite button your pants? “When patients have weight gain, the most common reason is definitely poor dietary choices and inactivity,” says Dr. Stephanie Romero, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and maternal-fetal medicine at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. But if those reasons don’t check out with your belly’s growing girth, you could have an abdominal cancer like ovarian cancer, Romero says. Abdominal swelling, Bove adds, can also be a sign of heart failure, which often causes fluid retention.

5. Painful periods

If that time of the month is excruciatingly painful, you plow through super-size tampons like nobody’s business or your flow is woefully unpredictable, consider it a red flag, Romero says. Treatable but frequently undiagnosed conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome – top causes of infertility – could be to blame. Fibroids, or noncancerous tumors in the uterus, or even pregnancy might also be culrpits. Any changes in your cycle, for that matter, warrant a trip to the gynecologist, Romero says. “Any unusual pattern to menstruation deserves a mention to the gynecologist,” she says, “particularly if it represents a change from what had been going on in the past.”

6. Walking- or stair-climbing-induced leg cramps

Any athlete will tell you leg cramps are just the name of the game. But if the pain is tied to walking, relieved by rest and hits consistently when you stride or climb stairs, don’t brush it off as soreness – those cramps could be caused by peripheral artery disease, or when blood flow to the legs gets impinged due to clogged arteries, says Bove, a member of the American College of Cardiology Patient-Centered Care Committee. If the condition goes undiagnosed, the cramps can get more painful and even lead to the loss of your leg, according to the American Heart Association. “When symptoms persist or recur,” Bove says, “a medical checkup will help to find the answer.”

7. New or changing moles

It’s springtime in Southern California, and Tobin, who’s fair-skinned, is on high alert for moles. “Ninety-nine times out of 100, it’s nothing,” he says, but if the mole is asymmetrical, has funky borders, different colors or is larger than a pencil eraser, visit a dermatologist who can determine whether it’s melanoma. If it is and it’s caught early, it’s usually relatively simple to “cut out,” Tobin says. Brown adds that African-Americans are particularly at risk for overlooking cancerous moles, which can even hide under toenails. “There’s certain things you don’t want to miss,” he says, “and skin cancer is one of them because it’s so aggressive.”

8. Super dry skin

Maybe it’s winter – or maybe it’s a thyroid hormone abnormality, says Dr. Chris Adigun, a dermatologist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, who notes that thinning hair often accompanies this symptom when it’s linked to a thyroid issue. Dry skin paired with seriously peeling nails, meantime, can be a sign of zinc deficiency. In either case, visit your primary care physician, who can identify the cause and a solution, be it supplements or simply lotion.

9. Breast changes

Puberty has passed (thank goodness), you’re not breast-feeding and there’s no other clear reason for your breast changes – think nipple discharge, different-looking skin, pain or a lump – so why not visit your gynecologist? “You would think people would seek care for these things, and often they do,” Romero says, “but I’ve had patients show up with advanced-stage breast cancer who then recall having some of these changes for years.” In these cases and others, better safe than sorry.

10. An unproductive cough

Coughs are annoying but harmless, right? Not quite. Patients who are on a breed of blood pressure medications called ACE inhibitors can develop “a persistent, non-productive cough that keeps them up at night,” Brown says, and yet many “let it go on and on and on.” It’s just one example of a medication side effect that patients ignore – and of a condition that, in many cases, could have been prevented through lifestyle changes, Brown says. Tobin takes a similar stance: “Diet and exercise,” he says, “is the key to a healthy and happy life.”
